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Daniel Ochoa de Olza es un fotógrafo de origen navarro, nacido en la ciudad de Pamplona en 1978, aunque reside en Madrid. Este fotógrafo está especializado en fotografías de actualidad (deportivas, política, noticias) que aparecen en numerosos medios de comunicación. Daniel es hijo de escritor y de una profesora de historia del arte, por ello desde muy jóven recibió clases de dibujo y pintura en el taller de Antonio Eslava, donde obtuvo las bases de su formación artística.

Más adelante compaginó su estudios de bachillerato con diferentes trabajos y destinó sus primeros ingresos a una cámara fotográfica con la que asistió a cursos de iniciación en la Agrupación Fotográfica y Cinematográfica de Navarra. Ese mismo año fue aceptado en la Escuela de Arte de Pamplona para cursar estudios de Fotografía Artística y que más tarde continuaría, asistiendo a la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Barcelona, ciudad en la que asiste a cursos y talleres de especialización a cargo de Donovan Wylie (Magnum), Jordi Guillumet, Carlos Bosch entre otros.

Sus series más personales, principalmente de toros y de las fiestas de San Fermín, le están llevando a obtener premios en prestigiosos concursos internacionales. Dedicado profesionalmente a la fotografía ahora trabaja como fotógrafo freelance, colaborando con la Agencia EFE y actualmente trabajando en Madrid para la agencia de prensa internacional The Associated Press (AP) publicando sus trabajos en distintos medios: New York Times, Washington Post, USA-Today, etc. Ha expuesto sus imágenes en espacios de arte como el Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona (CCCB).





A Dolores Aguirre's ranch fighting bull is dragged out of the bullring after it was killed by a bullfighter during a bullfight of the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Tuesday, July 8, 2014. Revelers from around the world arrive in Pamplona every year to take part on some of the eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises." (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)

Horsemen holding spears ride during the first running of the bulls in the village of Cuellar, Spain, Sunday, Aug. 30, 2009. Cuellar's running on the bulls are considered as the oldest in Spain dating back to the late fifteenth century. (AP Photo /Daniel Ochoa de Olza)

Pablo Leal Requejo plays the role of an angel during the 'Bajada del Angel' Eastern Holy Week celebration in Penafiel, Spain, Sunday, April 8, 2012. During the 'Bajada del Angel' celebration a boy represents an angel appearance unveiling the Virgin's face from a black cloth, a sign of mourning for the death of Jesus, and announces the resurrection of Christ.(AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)

A man casts his fishing rod to the Atlantic sea at the coast of Baiona, Pontevedra province, northern Spain, Sunday, June 9, 2013. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)




In this July 26, 2014 file picture skeletons are numbered on what it was a hidden mass grave during an excavation by the Aranzadi Sciences Society searching for the remains of those killed by their political ideology during and after the spanish civil war in El Estepar, Spain.(AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)

A dog runs as he follows the penitents taking part in the Good Friday 'Del Santo Entierro' procession during Holy Week in the small village of Bercianos de Aliste, northern Spain, March 18, 2014. The clothes worn by the Berciano's penitents will be used as their own shrouds when they die, according to the tradition. Hundreds of processions take place throughout Spain during the Easter Holy Week.(AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)

In this Feb. 2, 2015 picture, a member of the Endiablada brotherhood walk trough the cemetery after paying respect to their deceased fellow believers and relatives during the 'Endiablada' traditional festival in Almonacid Del Marquesado, Spain. During the Endiablada, or 'The Brotherhood of the Devils' believers dressed in colorful costumes, wearing a red mitre and big copper cowbells hanging tied to their waists make lot of noise as they walk, dance or jump around streets if the tiny village, and during its procession, in front of the a sculpture depicting the Virgin or the Saint. In the "Endiablada", is a tradition that has survived through the centuries in honor of the Candelaria's Virgin and San Blas. Candelaria, refers to the Jewish protocol, in which the Virgin Mary had to present her new baby, Jesus, to the temple, forty days after his birth. In the Catholic teachings, it is said that this action caused the Virgin Mary great anxiety and shame because of the public knowledge of the unusual circumstances of Jesus’s birth. La Endiablada brotherhood with their noisy bells are said to be trying to divert the public’s attention so that the Virgin Mary could fulfill her obligation and avoid suffering such embarrassment and shame. The connection of the dancing 'diablos' to San Blas has another explanation, according to a local legend shepherds found an image of San Blas, a miraculous event took place and they understood to be a sign that the saint was meant to stay in Almonacid. As a sign of their joy the shepherds rang the bells of their cattle so giving La Endiablada their famous cowbells. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)

EDS NOTE - SPANISH LAW REQUIRES THAT THE FACES OF MINORS ARE MASKED IN PUBLICATIONS WITHIN SPAIN - A 'Maya' girl sits in an altar during the traditional celebration of 'Las Mayas' on the streets in Colmenar Viejo, near Madrid, Spain, May 2, 2015. The festivity of the Maya comes from pagan rites and dates from the medieval age, appearing in ancient documents, it takes place every year in the beginning of May and celebrates the beginning off the spring. A girl between 7 and 11years is chosen as 'Maya' and should sit still, serious, and quiet for a couple of hours in an altar on the street decorated with flowers and plants, afterwards they walk to the church with their family where they attend a ceremony. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)

Bullfighters followed by their assistants walk trough the arena during the 'paseillo' or ritual entrance to the arena before a bullfight of the San Isidro fair in Madrid, Spain, Thursday, May 21, 2015. San Isidro's bullfighting fair is one of the most important in the world. Bullfighting is an ancient tradition in Spain. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)



Spanish bullfighter Julian Lopez 'El Juli' aims his sword just before killing a bull with it during a bullfight in the southwestern Spanish town of Olivenza, Spain, on Sunday, March 3, 2013. Bullfighting is an ancient tradition in Spain and the season runs from March to October.(AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)

Spanish bullfighter Juan Jose Padilla aims his sword before killing a bull during a bullfight, in Toro, Spain, Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2013. In August hundreds of villages around Spain celebrate their patron saints, with bullfights, music and parties on the streets. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)

Spanish bullfighter Manuel Escribano aims his sword before killing a Dolores Aguirre fighting bull during a bullfight of the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Monday, July 8, 2013. Revelers from around the world arrive to Pamplona every year to take part on some of the eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises." (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)

Spanish bullfighter Rafael Cerro aims his sword before killing a bull with it during a bullfight at Las Ventas bullring in Madrid Sunday, June 23, 2013. Bullfighting is an ancient tradition in Spain and the season runs from March to October. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)

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